‘Hip-hop rules here’: Inside the vibrant world of Israel’s Haredi women dance scene


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“Don’t get the wrong idea – I’m a killer dossit,” asserts Ahinoam Mekaiten, using the slangy, slightly self-deprecating term for an Orthodox person, “but I don’t hide anything. On the first date, I right away tell the guy that I’m a dancer,” She’s thin and tall with delicate features and lustrous hair that’s pulled up in a bun, one leg is raised and the other bends and unfolds, plié-relevé, plié-relevé. .htz-loader-circle{ -webkit-transform-origin:center center; transform-origin:center center; -webkit-animation:htz-loader-animation 1.5s infinite linear; animation:htz-loader-animation 1.5s infinite linear } @-webkit-keyframes htz-loader-animation{ 0%{ -webkit-transform:rotate(0); transform:rotate(0) } 100%{ -webkit-transform:rotate(-360deg); transform:rotate(-360deg) } } @keyframes htz-loader-animation{ 0%{ -webkit-transform:rotate(0); transform:rotate(0) } 100%{ -webkit-transform:rotate(-360deg); transform:rotate(-360deg) } }