How ADOS is counter revolutionary

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By Dayvon LoveIf we accept the premise that Black peoples’ grievances with America began with enslavement in the U.S., then we are also accepting White people’s ability to define and shape our reality. The drive toward global domination of the non-White world by Europe and America was carried out by waging war against sovereign nations and societies. People of African descent in the Western-Hemisphere are prisoners of war. America is a settler colony that was able to emerge as a global superpower because of the material wealth it genocidally extracted from the dehumanization of Indigenous people and people of African descent. Dayvon Love is public policy director for the Baltimore-based think tank, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle. Photo: Courtesy photoThe economic inertia from stealing the land from native people of the Americas and the enslavement of African people created the foundation upon which America has been able to become the wealthiest nation in the world.& Starting our grievances against the U.S. with enslavement renders the larger project of America as a legitimate enterprise. As Derrick Bell has brilliantly theorized, racism in America is permanent. There is no version of America where Black people are not subject to collective oppression and...