How Bad Do You Want To
Latest Current Topicsby Toter 6 months ago 43 Views 0 comments
I’m sure I’ve written on this before,& but I thought the significance of obedience was important enough to repeat here. It occurs to me& that obedience to God is an exercise in& ‘want to’& as opposed to& ‘have to.’& The analogy given in church is simple enough. When parents enforce rules and discipline with regard to their children,& if the child& is to respond out of respect and love,& a true relationship must exist between parent and child.
If a wholesome relationship does indeed exist,& then the child’s love for the parents will result in that child wanting to comply.If all one does is obey the rules because of the consequences and punishment associated with disobeying the rules, then the rules generally get thrown out the window when the rule maker is no longer around.& I guess what I’m saying is that when grounded in love,& people want to respond favorably according to the wishes and will of the person who is& the& object& of& thatlove.& By& our& very& nature& we& want& to& look& good in& the eyes of someone we’re trying to impress.& Jesus says,“If anyone& lovesme,he& will& obey& my& teaching.”John& 14:23.Examine& this& use& of& the& term& obey.What& Christ&...