How Harris And Trump Differ On Tackling The Economy
Forum TalkCommunity Forum / Forum Talk 4 months ago 35 Views 0 comments
By Sarah Naffa\AP
Photos: YouTube Screenshots
The two presidential nominees are using the week before their debate to sharpen their economic messages about who could do more for the middle class. Read more.
Why this matters:
& & & Donald Trump is betting that Americans crave trillions of dollars in tax cuts — and that growth will be so fantastic that it’s not worth worrying about budget deficits. He’s hoping that most economic analyses of his ideas are dead wrong.
& & & Vice President Kamala Harris believes that big corporations and the ultrawealthy should pay more in taxes — and wants to use those revenues to help spur the construction of homes and offer tax breaks for parents. She’s hoping to deliver on the types of policies that President Joe Biden has been unable to secure in a lasting way.
& & & Trump and Harris have different ways of trying to help the middle class. The former Republican president sees tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy as essential for promoting more investment. By contrast, Harris wants to upgrade the middle-class promise of home ownership and ease the high costs of parenthood. She also wants tax breaks for...