How Lupus Affect The Brain

Parenting/ Health

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Lupus may affect the whole body, including the neurological system. According to research, up to 90 percent of people with lupus experience symptoms involving their brain, spinal cord, or nerves. It’s known as neuropsychiatric lupus. When a person has lupus, the brain is just as susceptible to the illness as any other body area. It’s difficult to tell if your nervous system problems are caused by lupus or anything else. This article covers what you should look for. Signs that Lupus May Be Affecting Your Brain The following symptoms are signs that lupus may be affecting your brain:  Difficulties with cognition (trouble thinking, remembering, and concentrating) Headaches Seizures Stroke Depression Spinal cord inflammation Lupus might also affect your peripheral nervous system. These are the nerves that travel throughout your body, controlling your organs and limbs.  In these cases, you might experience: Numbness, weakness, or pain Loss of vision Dizziness Intense ringing in the ears Digestive issues READ THIS! Your Child with Lupus May Have Additional Options on the Way! How Does Lupus Affect the Nervous System? Doctors don’t know what causes lupus. It’s an autoimmune illness, which means your immune system attacks healthy cells and tissue by mistake. Lupus illness...