How To Take Care Of Sensitive Black Skin During Fall

Parenting/ Health

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As the temperature falls, you must pay attention to more than keeping warm. If you have sensitive skin, this is the season where it needs a little extra care. To make things worse, certain conditions get worse in autumn so it’s important to take preventive steps to keep your skin healthy.  What You Need To Look For The cooler weather has a few common effects on the skin. Here are five of them and what to do if they happen to you.  1. Your Skin Gets Drier When the air is cool, it doesn’t hold moisture as well as it usually does and it gets dry. Dry air typically leads to dry skin. This issue will only worsen if you use a space heater to warm up the rooms you spend your time in. The best way to tackle dry skin is to moisturize regularly. For people dealing with sensitive skin, it may help to confirm with a dermatologist which moisturizers are best for you.  2. You May Develop Dandruff Most people don’t remember their scalp when dealing with dry skin. Not only can your scalp dry out and start itching but you may also see a lot of flakes...