Hunter Biden’s other Ho Problem
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 10 months ago 81 Views 0 comments
As if the Biden family didn’t have enough crow on their plate, here comes this Ho. That’s Doctor Ho to you.Hunter Biden involved his family with America’s number one enemy. Without filing as a foreign agent, Hunter Biden acted as a lobbyist for the Chinese in a critical infrastructure area (energy) in America. Biden the Younger admits to being in business with the “number on spy in China”, who has direct ties to the CCP. Perhaps this potential lawsuit by a Chinese national will tip the scales of justice away from the “white privilege” Bidens? Hunter Biden received a $1 million payment from the Chinese firm CEFC to serve as the attorney for their employee, Dr. Patrick Ho. However, Dr. Ho is now threatening legal action against Hunter within seven days, demanding a refund of the money. Dr. Ho alleges that Hunter did not perform any legal services for him.The implications of this claim poses a major threat to the Bidens. Republicans contend that the Bidens had nothing to offer. Hunter Biden was not a licensed attorney, so he couldn’t legally offer those services. Or was the only thing Hunter had to sell was influence with “the big guy”?