In Living Color
Latest Current Topicsby Toter 3 months ago 37 Views 0 comments
I’m not sure whether or not I’ve talked about my faith walk from the point of view of those individuals who have tracked my progress from the beginning until now. They seem to have fallen into two quite different categories. The first group that I noticed included those Christians around me, who, like me, rejoiced in my rebirth. Many of the columns I’ve written were about those who prayed, rejoiced, and breathed a sigh of relief at the mere thought of a new beginning for me. Discovery would be an appropriate word to use here. As a result, I’ve discovered more about people I thought I knew after being saved than I ever thought possible before I was saved. My analogy is that I saw the world and my friends as old black-and-white movies. Now, they come across in Technicolor and Surround Sound. Being kindred spirits in Christ, we have it like that now. The second group included those individuals who couldn’t and still can’t relate to me. There were and are so-called friends of mine in this group, too. It’s hard to explain, but bible study, tithing, regular church attendance, prayer, praise, and an honest attempt at wholesome living...