Insurance Not Covering Your IVF? 5 Ways to Save Big on Medications

Parenting/ Health

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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a vital option for many individuals and couples struggling with infertility. However, the costs associated with IVF, particularly medications, have surged dramatically in recent years.  According to Tori Marsh, MPH and Director of Research at GoodRx, IVF medication prices have risen by 84 percent since 2014.  The rising costs of IVF medications and the unequal access to insurance coverage disproportionately impact certain demographic groups. According to Dr. Marsh, women with lower incomes and those living in medically underserved areas—particularly Black and American Indian/Alaskan Native women—are often at a greater disadvantage. These populations face additional barriers to accessing quality healthcare and insurance coverage, making it more challenging for them to afford fertility treatments like IVF. Why Are IVF Medication Prices Increasing? Several factors have contributed to the sharp rise in the cost of IVF medications. One of the primary reasons, as Dr. Marsh explains, is the complexity of the drugs themselves. Many IVF medications are biologics, which are derived from living cells and are thus more expensive to manufacture. Unlike simpler synthetic drugs, biologics require intricate processes to develop, and this cost is passed on to the consumer. Additionally, many of the medications used during IVF...