Is this Vengeance: Trump’s Latest Power Play
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 3 months ago 42 Views 0 comments
The following article, Is this Vengeance: Trump’s Latest Power Play, was first published on The Black Sphere.
I’m not being hyperbolic in saying that Donald Trump may be enacting his vengeance on those how tried to destroy him with this latest move.
Consider the stranglehold certain elements of the media have had for decades. A group within the media establishment determined who was news versus not news. That group determined who was serious media versus journeyman. Then they did what almost all of their ilk does, and that’s give awards.
To receive a Pulitzer is the pinnacle of journalistic success. At least it used to be. But now you can win Pulitzer for propagating lies. That’s what happened during the days of the fake news Russian collusion narrative. We all know the truth about this rumor–started by and funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign. But people received Pulitzers for this. As the Washington Examiner reported:
In 2018, the New York Times and Washington Post won Pulitzers for their coverage of alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. This reporting was later criticized after the Mueller investigation and further revelations showed no direct evidence of collusion. Despite calls, including from Donald...