Is Tyler, the Creator right about ian?


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“I know it’s some haters in here,” mixtape demigod DJ Holiday taunts at the top of “Never Stop,” the third track of Gen-Z rapper ian’s debut mixtape Valedictorian. It’s a common statement—especially in the braggadocious community of hip-hop. Released at the end of May, Valedictorian has potential: a consistent flow from ian; abundant influences; and a general aversion to taking himself seriously. The deluxe version of the tape is less than half an hour long, but it’s attracted a massive amount of attention. The project hit No. 54 on the Billboard 200, its impact readily apparent to those who are immersed in hip-hop culture. There are already scores of fans who are willing to show up and show out for ian, such as the hundreds of people in New York City who popped up for an impromptu Valedictorian listening session that featured ian hanging out of the sunroof of a Suburban, playing his music from a faulty speaker. When the speaker stopped working, the crowd continued energetically chanting his lyrics, a clear display of excitement and dedication. Most Popular While ian has built a respectable fanbase in a short amount of time, not all of the attention around him has...