ITC Limited – Hip Hop Hacked! Savlon Swasth India Mission’s #HandwashLegends made Handwashing cool for India’s Youth

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KOLKATA, India, April 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Getting kids to follow healthy habits is no easy task and is often met with resistance. So, to overcome this challenge and promote the habit of washing hands with soap, Savlon Swasth India Mission’s ingenious and refreshing new campaign tapped into the kids’ growing enthusiasm for hip hop. Titled ‘Handwash Legend’, the campaign turned the well-known gesture of rappers ‘rubbing their hands together’ into a handwashing move. Cleverly merging entertainment with handwashing, Savlon Swasth India Mission partnered with Indian rap artist and hip-hop star Emiway Bantai and the kids from The Dharavi Dream Project, a community that discovers and mentors under-resourced hip-hop talent, for the song ‘Haath Dhona Cool Hai’ (Handwashing is cool). The catchy track emphasizes the importance of washing hands with soap and encourages kids to become ‘Handwash Legends’ by adopting good hand hygiene practices. Continue Reading ITC Limited – Hip Hop Hacked! Savlon Swasth India Mission’s #HandwashLegends made Handwashing cool for India’s Youth ITC’s Savlon Swasth India Mission has been leading the charge in fostering behavioural shifts towards hand hygiene through inventive approaches and programs. Preventable illnesses cause significant economic strains on our nation, and consistent handwashing stands out as...