Joint Pain or Arthritis? How to Tell the Difference

Parenting/ Health

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More than 92 million people in the United States suffer from joint pain in the form of arthritis, with symptoms ranging from moderate to severe.  While arthritis is by far the most common cause of joint discomfort, it is not the only one. To help you grasp the situation, here’s a look at the difference between arthritis and joint pain. Arthritis Signs and Symptoms Chronic joint discomfort (pain that lasts for weeks or months) may indicate arthritis or joint damage. There are over 100 distinct varieties of arthritis, the most prevalent of which is osteoarthritis, which occurs as a result of joint wear and tear over time. Another frequent type of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, produces joint damage and degeneration over time, but it is caused by an autoimmune illness in which the immune system erroneously targets the joints. The following are some of the indications and symptoms of arthritis-related joint pain: Swelling Stiffness Range of motion is restricted or reduced RELATED: 9 Foods That Reduce Joint Pain & Make You Feel Better Differentiating Between Joint Discomfort and Arthritis It’s critical to remember that joint discomfort and arthritis are frequently linked. Arthritis technically refers to any ailment that produces inflammation and...