Kendrick Lamar vs. Drake: A Feud Explored in ‘Euphoria

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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[Photo: Getty Images] In the dynamic world of hip-hop, where lyrical prowess and personal vendettas often collide spectacularly, the feud between Kendrick Lamar and Drake stands out as a compelling saga of rivalry and artistic expression. On April 30, 2024, Kendrick Lamar escalated this long-standing conflict with the release of “Euphoria,” a track that pulls no punches in its critique of Drake. This response to Drake’s “Push Ups” serves not only as a retort in their ongoing lyrical battle but also as a bold statement in the evolving narrative of both artists. & Kendrick’s choice of the title “Euphoria,” cleverly alludes to the HBO series that Drake executive produces, signaling a direct and personal approach in his lyrics. The song itself is a showcase of Kendrick’s unique style, beginning with a spoken-word delivery that gradually intensifies with the entry of horns, setting a dramatic tone that underscores the seriousness of his grievances. & The Compton rapper’s criticisms are scathing and multifaceted. He attacks Drake’s integrity, calling him a “degenerate” and “scam artist,” and critiques everything from Drake’s personal style to his professional decisions. Notably, Kendrick revisits the highly publicized 2018 feud between Drake and Pusha T, where personal details about...