Knock, Knock
Latest Current Topicsby Toter 7 months ago 45 Views 0 comments
I heard one of the most powerful sayings recently when I was in a rather deep conversation with a friend of mine who is about to be installed as the new pastor of his own church. Hang in here with me.“When Satan knocks at the door, let Jesus answer it.” Maybe you had to be there, but I found the thought behind this saying absolutely awesome. Can you imagine if you could really do this? I mean what if you knew for a fact every time the devil was responsible for the temptation, the trial, the sinful suggestions, the& weaknesses& of& flesh and spirit? The reality would be that you could see the devil coming from miles away and no matter how slick or innocent the approach, you could never be fooled again. Would you really do as Jesus did in the desert? Would you renounce the promise of riches, fame, and power? Would it be as easy as “Away from me Satan!” Matthew 4:10.
According to scripture, after three times, the devil left and the angels came to attend to Jesus and soon thereafter He began to preach. In today’s world I’m simply asking if you knew where damnation...