On January 14th, 2025, Rep. Lauren Simmons was officially sworn in for her first term in the Texas House of Representatives. She represents House District 146 (HD146.) The district elects one representative to the Texas Legislature to advocate for the district at the state level. HD146 covers historic and underrepresented neighborhoods like Third Ward and Sunnyside. In her position, Simmons will address issues such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic development. She initially ran for the position to “reclaim our seat at the table in state government” she is on a dedicated mission to fight against Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republicans who are trying to harm underprivileged Texans with various laws and policies.
Simmons was born and raised in Houston’s 3rd Ward community and currently lives in HD146. At 19, Simmons became a teenage mom, and her life quickly changed, she was turned down for government assistance and was evicted from her apartment. Leaving her with no choice, she stole food and clothes for her baby although she was caught a judge dismissed her charges. According to Simmons, that experience has fueled her to continue to fight for “those who are tired, frustrated, and who feel unheard by...