Lee’s Summit Racism Scandal: White Kid Spews Hate Speech & Faces No Accountability Because Mom Is On School Board
Hot Topics TalkLifestyle / Hot Topics Talk 8 months ago 64 Views 0 comments
October 2023, Screenshot of a snapchat video showing Summit Christian Academy Student spewing the N word
KANSAS CITY, MO – A deeply disturbing incident has emerged from Summit Christian Academy in Lee’s Summit, where a white student—and daughter of a school board member—was caught on a Snapchat video viciously and repeatedly using the N-word.
This student, allegedly shielded by her mother’s influential position, faced little repercussions, causing student outcry and highlighting a blatant disregard for accountability within the institution.
October 2023, Snapchat video featuring racist SCA student saying “you stupid n*gger”
Another video of the same student saying “come here little n*gger”
Screenshot of Summit Christian Academy website with an arrow pointing to Sarah Osborne, mother of the girl involved in the racist incident
The incident surfaced and was initially reported last October. It was brought to The Defender’s attention in early April, when numerous students began messaging our social media accounts, after a prolonged silence from the school’s administration.
Despite the students’ efforts to handle the matter through official channels, they say their concerns were blatantly ignored, leaving them no choice but to reach out to us.
Students say the delay was a calculated attempt by the school to...