Letters have been granted on the estate of each of the following decedents to the personal representative named, who requests all persons having claims against the estate of the decedent to make known the same in writing to his/her attorney, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay:
The Estate of ROBERTS, GLORIA NOVEDA, AKA GLORIA N. ROBERTS, deceased of Pittsburgh, PA, No.022405654 of 2024. Lavonne Tomlin, Adminstratrix, c/o Daniel L. Haller, Esq., Neighborhood Legal Servive, 928 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
The Estate of JAMES J. SKINDZIER, deceased of Pittsburgh, PA, No. 04366 of 2023 Melvin Skindzier Extr., 3001 Pioneer Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15226 or to Mary Elizabeth Fischman, Esq. 6000 Brooktree Road, Ste. 301 Wexford, PA 15090
The Estate of SABLE, SARAH V, deceased of Pittsburgh, PA, No.07818 of 2024. Jack D. Sable, 116 Pineview RD, Baden, PA 15005 and Jeffrey B. Sable, 307 Overbrook RD, Valencia, PA 16059 and Jay C. Sable, 240 Dogwood CR, W Columbia, SC 29170, Co-Exec, or to MICHAEL J. SALDAMARCO, ESQ. STE. 100, 908 PERRY HWY., PITTSBURGH, PA 15229
Estate of MR. GREGOR J. STEIN, Deceased, 295 Logan Road, Imperial, PA 15126. Estate No. 02-24-07166, Mr. Craig Stein,...