Legal Advertising Fictitious Name 10-9-2024

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned pursuant to the Fictitious Name Statute””, Pennsylvania Statutes Title 54 Pa.C.S.A. Names § 311. , is registered with the, Department of State, State of Pennsylvania upon receipt of this notice, the fictitious name, to-wit: JAHOTE C DORSEY JR under which (I am) (we are) a business at 1117 Kirkpatrick Avenue , Braddock ,PA [15104] That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: 1117 Kirkpatrick Avenue, Braddock Penn , 15104 Date: 10/2/2024 & The post Legal Advertising Fictitious Name 10-9-2024 appeared first on New Pittsburgh Courier.