We see daily where Donald Trump’s draconian immigration dragnets and roundups are inflicting terror on non-European, that means non-white, immigrant communities across the United States.Was this one of the reasons Salem’s Market in Pittsburgh’s Hill District recently announced it is closing?The Salem’s store management said the store is too large for the Hill District. And neighborhood (read African American) theft was cited as another major problem.& Also high food prices were said to be another major reason for the closure which, at this writing,& is said to be temporary.But consider this. Salem’s catered to an international market with products for West Indians, Muslims, Africans, and Latin Americans. They are some key target groups for Trump.Did this affect Salem’s clientele in various ways?? It may well have been, and Salem’s may well be very reluctant to admit it for ongoing business-related reasons.Trump’s immigration rampage is a cornerstone of his administration. It will continue. And we must watch it closely for a whole bunch of very, very important reasons. Here is one example, its impact on majority-African American communities like the Hill District neighborhood in Pittsburgh.