Little Miss Indy Juneteenth visits the Indianapolis Recorder
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 4 hours ago 17 Views 0 comments
Kennedy Twyman, best known as Little Miss Indy Juneteenth visited the Indianapolis Recorder on Feb. 17. In recognition of Black History Month, Twyman toured many historical sites and met with several prominent local leaders.
Kennedy Twyman visits the Indianapolis Recorder. (Photo/Camike Jones)
During her visit to the Recorder, Twyman learned about the legacy and influence of the newspaper.
Twyman was crowned Little Miss Indy Juneteenth on May 19, 2024 at the annual Miss Indy Juneteenth pageant.
As Little Miss Indy Juneteenth, she had a chance to travel to the holiday’s birthplace in Galveston, Tx. Seeing where it all began helped her learn much more about the holiday and its historical significance.
Little Miss Indy Juneteenth, Kennedy Twyman, visits the Indianapolis Recorder for Black History Month in 2025. (Photo/Camike Jones)
Kennedy Twyman poses with a copy of the Recorder featuring her journey to the national Juneteenth pageant. (Photo/Camike Jones)
Representing her home state of Indiana, Twyman earned several awards at the national pageant including Little Miss Black Wall Street, the People’s Choice Award, Miss Congeniality and second place in the talent competition. Twyman earned her place as the first runner up for Little Miss Juneteenth USA.
“She may be the first...