Luntz: ‘I don’t trust Kamala’: Why some Black men are voting Trump
Forum TalkCommunity Forum / Forum Talk 3 months ago 18 Views 0 comments
In an election that appears too close to call. Every vote in every swing state matters, but some votes matter more than others. Donald Trump is having trouble among suburban voters and younger women in particular, but there are some groups where he is far outperforming the usual Republican vote. One group vital for the Democrats on election day are younger African American men, usually a reliable vote for the Democrats, but this time, black men under age 40 seem to be up for grabs, and that’s not typical of any election we at America speaks wanted to understand why they’re up for grabs, so we convened a national conversation with younger black men supporting Donald Trump. Get ready to have your assumptions challenged. This is a conversation you can only get right here on straight arrow news,
I have been waiting with anticipation for this conversation,
and I’m sure that people looking at this zoom right now and the people who are on it have jumped to conclusions about what you all are going to say about American politics. I want to begin this with a simple question to each one of you, individually. Manuel, I’m going to start...