Managing Forced Menopause Due To Breast Cancer Treatment

Parenting/ Health

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This first-hand forced menopause side effect advice will help you maintain an active and healthy life and reduce your chance of recurrence. As a young hormone-positive breast cancer patient, typical treatment includes chemotherapy, surgery like a hysterectomy, and the dreaded medical menopause drugs (tamoxifen, anastrozole, letrozole, Lupron). Most likely, you’ll be unprepared for forced menopause, even though physicians warn you about it. Hormone-blocking drugs may cause weight gain, discomfort, and sexual issues in women. Hormone-blocking drugs like tamoxifen and letrozole may cause negative effects in cancer patients. Surgery may cause more severe adverse effects. Forcible menopause and hormone-blocking medications may cause: joint stiffness aches and pains during movement weight gain trouble maintaining weight hot flashes lack of energy sexual and intimacy issues Want to handle forced menopause side symptoms and enjoy life after your diagnosis? Let’s examine some effective side-effect therapies. Joint Pain Aspirin may dull joint pain, but exercise is essential. Morning movement may be painful, but it will reduce joint discomfort. Start with low-impact exercises like yoga, strolling, or riding if your energy is low.  RELATED: Your Guide to Navigating Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatments Weight Gain & Trouble Maintaining Weight Forced menopause may make weight gain and maintenance...