Morgan State University Partners With the Community College of Baltimore County


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Morgan State University and the Community College of Baltimore County formally cemented a collaborative agreement to offer students a seamless and efficient path toward earning a bachelor’s degree through the new Degrees to Succeed program. Together, two of Maryland’s largest institutions — Morgan, the state’s largest historically Black college or university, and Community College of Baltimore County, the largest 2-year public college in the state — will provide dual admission to students, increasing associate degree attainment and accelerating undergraduate degree completion. The Degrees to Succeed program provides students with benefits of both institutions, starting their coursework at CCBC — completing their associate’s degree — then transferring their credits to Morgan — where they would begin their pursuit of a bachelor’s degree as a third-year student. CCBC students participating in the Degrees to Succeed program at Morgan can all take advantage of the following: Co-advising with Morgan State advisors to ensure CCBC courses align with Morgan’s more than 140 academic degree programs Membership in the Morgan State University Transfer Mentor Program provides new transfer students with a faculty or staff mentor for their first year at Morgan Morgan State campus ID card allowing entry to select Morgan events and activities Application...