‘My Husband Tried to Kill Me’: Sommelier Accused of Stabbing Wife Smirked As He Walked Free on Bond from New York Courtroom, Report Says

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He has charmed countless gourmands at A-list restaurants in Manhattan with his wine knowledge, but now the award-winning sommelier Aaron Von Rock faces charges of assault with intent to cause serious injury with a weapon after an altercation with his wife. Von Rock appeared in a Manhattan criminal court on Aug. 7 wearing a suit with a pocket square and a smug look on his face as he exited the building, the New York Post reported. The former wine director of two Michelin-starred restaurants allegedly stabbed his wife at their New York apartment in the Murray Hill neighborhood, slashing her several times on May 5. According to a criminal complaint, his frightened wife told police, “My husband tried to kill me.” She suffered multiple injuries, including a gash on her hand and wounds on her leg and foot, police said. Aaron Von Rock and his wife (Facebook/Jasmine Juliet ) Prosecutors at the hearing requested the accused 55-year-old be held on bail, but after pleading not guilty, Von Rock was released on his own recognizance and is essentially a free man pending trial. The judge, however, kept in place a temporary order of protection from his wife. The New York Post...