New study explores the impact of environmental change on housing in Indiana

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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A new analysis examines how pressing environmental issues can impact housing throughout the state. One key finding is that historic policies such as redlining continue to haunt minority communities in Indiana. The report, from the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana, or& FHCCI, looked at environmental concerns that neighborhoods are currently facing including extreme heat, flooding and air pollution. Researchers say groups most subject to discrimination under fair housing laws are more likely to feel environmental impacts. Brady Ripperger, deputy director of administration and advocacy with the FHCCI, said some areas most impacted by environmental change in Indiana are in formerly redlined neighborhoods. “Minority communities are the ones that we find generally are forced into communities that are located next to Superfund sites or brownfield sites, polluted areas or areas that were previously dumping grounds,” Ripperger said. Superfund sites are federally recognized areas that are in need of& environmental remediation. Indiana has 54 such sites but only 20 have been cleaned up. The report found that brownfields — former industrial sites that were never cleaned up& — are disproportionately nearer to low-income housing. The analysis also found that in Indianapolis a majority of formerly redlined neighborhoods lack tree coverage, which...