New York City eyeing Slave Reparations Bill
News Talk
Wilkie Arthur Eagle Legal News and
Royal TCI Police
Turks and Caicos, September 15, 2024 – Around 10 pm, last night residents in the Wheeland Community reported to police and some immediately notified Eagle Legal News, of sounds of gunshots in the bushes in the neighbourhood.
Our news team went in pursuit of the police and ambulance. We observed the police assisting a man from one of their unmarked investigative vehicles and handed him over to medical personnel in the ambulance.
Videos of this were shared on Sunday night; police issued a statement to confirm the double shooting.
The man transferred to the medical vehicle is in hospital recovering from gunshot wounds; it triggered the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre;s heightened security alert which resulted in the suspension of visitation.
We visited the exact location of the shooting in the Wheeland area on the night of the incident and the morning after and learned both men shot are brothers; attacked by two or three masked men with guns.
They lived together in a small apartment.
Residents of that area said they can’t say why the pair was attacked, but the dead brother is described has having worked “with lottery numbers.”