News Analysis: The eminent danger facing all of Black America

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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& Shutterstock One of the most in-your-face and undeniable moments that shows the direction most Republicans and so-called conservatives are attempting to take America is the utter witch hunt meant to destroy Claudine Gay, who is now the& former president of Harvard.& Make no mistake about it; it was a witch hunt. A Black woman leading one of the most prominent educational institutions in the United States of America? The powers-that-be couldn’t stand too long for that. A Black man, in their racist eyes, desecrating the White House and having the audacity to place his name on the very health care that has rescued countless people from complete and utter misery and even death, including the majority of White people, is, in their view, as repugnant as anyone else. With racist conservatives repeatedly trying to repeal Obamacare, we are reminded of a scene from the popular sitcom “The Jeffersons,” which aired in the 1970s. In the scene, George saves the life of a member of the Ku Klux Klan. When the racist realized that it was a Black man who had performed the lifesaving act, with bitter and resentful eyes, he declared, “You should have let me die.” They’d rather...