Numbers game: Annual biz expo for Hispanic Chamber shows strength, depth of minority businesses in state
Forum TalkCommunity Forum / Forum Talk 5 months ago 92 Views 0 comments
There are plenty of fun ways to describe Féria de Negocios, the annual business expo by the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey that has long established itself as one of the most important — and certainly the most festive — expo events in the state.
Start with the more than 1,000 registrants at the Pines Manor in Edison. Add in the 150 exhibitors. And be sure to note the more than a dozen restaurant and catering services that made sure no one left hungry.
Then count the 17 national flags present, representing all of Central and South America. And the representatives from the consulates of three countries: Mexico, Colombia and El Salvador — a signal of how the impact of the event extends well beyond New Jersey’s borders.
And, while it’s impressive (and important) to note that Hispanics make up 25% of the New Jersey’s population, are responsible for more than $1 trillion of economic activity in the state — and are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs — there’s one number that truly sets the Hispanic Chamber apart from all others: 40%.
Approximately two in five of the businesses in the Hispanic Chamber are not owned...