NY Times: Maybe the Worst Poll Yet for Biden

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Joe Biden has lots of headwinds face re-selection as president. And this time, along with his unbelievably tragic performance, Biden added 4 more years to that gorilla on his back in 2020: his age.Aside from Biden’s dismal political record, his pathological lying, and his corruption, he was too old to be cheated into the presidency in 2020. But now, even Democrats recognize the futility of his second term.Josh Kraushaar tweeted the latest NYT/Siena poll on how Americans feel about Biden’s age:“Widespread concerns about President Biden’s age pose a deepening threat to his re-election bid, with a majority of voters who supported him in 2020 now saying he is too old to lead the country effectively”. Seventy-three percent of voters believe Biden is too old to lead. Only 25 percent (of morons) believe Biden can lead effectively.While Democrats try to lump Donald Trump in that category, it’s not working.Fifty-five percent of Americans believe Trump is fit to lead effectively, and only 21 percent “strongly agree” that Trump is unfit to lead. Trump’s numbers fall in line with Trump Derangement Syndrome numbers and have less to do with his age.