Ohio Cops Who Told Dying Black Man to ‘Shut the F–k Up’ After He Told Them He was Unable to Breathe Indicted on Felony Homicide Charges

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Struggling to breathe as a cop placed his knee on his neck, Frank Tyson pleaded for the Ohio cop to lift his knee, telling the cop, “I can’t breathe.” But the Canton police officer refused to believe him. “You’re fine,” said the cop. “Shut the f–k up.” But Tyson, a 53-year-old Black man, was not fine and ended up dying minutes later.& Canton police officers Camden Burch (left) and Beau Schoenegge (right) were indicted on homicide charges for their role in the death of Frank Tyson (center). (Photo: Mugshots and Tyson family) On Nov. 1, the two Canton police officers, Camden Burch and Beau Schoenegge, were indicted on reckless homicide charges by a grand jury, which is a third-degree that typically results in a sentence between nine months and three years as well as a fine of up to $10,000. “Now we know who the bad guy is,” said the attorney for Tyson’s family, Bobby DiCello, in a press conference Saturday. “It wasn’t Frank. The indictment tells you who to focus on.” Burch and Schoenegge turned themselves into the Stark County Jail on that Friday and spent the weekend in jail before facing a judge who set their bond at...