One Secret to Working Mom Success: Just Keep Going
Parenting/ Healthby Toter 1 year ago 26 Views 0 comments
& Mom and three kids"The days are long, but the years are short." -Gretchen RubinI have been a social media influencer for some time. And, I have have shared my journey as a working mom with the hope of developing a community and inspiring others in my shoes and those who might want to try them on for size. I have recently learned that some people come to the blog for the story telling and I value those members of the community too.Often the posts are highly curated. That doesn't mean that they aren't honest. However, it does mean that I am generally really careful about what I share. This post is a bit different because it's merely a glimpse into a regular day in my world. I got the idea from my friend, Becky Willis, at a Bloggy Con conference. Depending on how its received, I may have to try it out again!Recently, I read something recently that resonated with me, "It is not selfish to want to balance work and family." I am sharing this in case you needed to hear it too.What I did before one one day.Waking up to the sound of an
alarm (at 5:20AM),...