Online racism can lead to PTSD symptoms among Black adolescents, study finds

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Cyberbullying and racism are known to have adverse effects on kids and teens, but recent research shows how race-based discrimination experienced online can lead Black children to show symptoms of one specific disorder. A new study found that Black adolescents in the U.S. who experience racial discrimination online can develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The study, published last week in the JAMA Psychiatry journal, also found that participants’ PTSD symptoms were linked to suicidal thoughts. PTSD is a mental health condition, usually triggered by an incident, that can cause flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety. The study, which examined 525 Black children between the ages of 11 and 19, found that those who received individually targeted racial discrimination online — such as through messaging or memes — reported several PTSD symptoms, including intrusive thoughts, feeling isolated or on guard and having uncontrollable distress. The study’s results did not vary by age or gender. The study determined that Black children who experienced racism online were more likely to report PTSD symptoms, and that those who developed PTSD symptoms were more likely to report suicidal thoughts. However, there was no confirmation that experiencing online racism directly leads to increased suicidal thoughts. The...