Opinion: Checkmate! In High Stakes Political Game, Maxine Waters Is Master Queen

News Talk

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Kenneth Miller | Special to California Black Media Partners OPINION (CBM) – In a few weeks at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the world will be watching history as Kamala Harris steps into her own as Standard Bearer of the Party. Somewhere amid all of the blowing horns, balloons and wacky outfits will be California’s own political powerbroker and “Master Queen” Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA-43), arguably the most powerful Black elected official in America right now. For more than 40 years — 33 of them serving in the United States House of Representatives — “Auntie Maxine” as she is affectionately called by her admirers, has proved her might and her mettle. She has successfully advocated for $10 billion in funding for Section 8 housing and secured $50 million in funding for Youth Fair Chance, $400 million for Minority Aids Funding and $6 billion for Neighborhood Stabilization. She is always there at the forefront fighting for what is best for the communities she serves. In our divided political universe today, many of us are constantly presented with the argument in our content feeds across digital platforms that our system of governance is fixed and failing us, and our elected officials...