Parkland focuses on prevention this National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

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Expands testing, PrEP, and education to combat HIV disparities in the Latino community & DALLAS – In observance of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD), Parkland Health is prioritizing awareness, education and access to essential HIV prevention services while addressing the disproportionate impact of HIV on Latino communities in Dallas County. & NLAAD is observed annually on October 15. The theme for this year is “Get Tested, Get Treated, Get in Control.” & Despite advances in treatment and prevention, the Latino community faces significant disparities as it relates to HIV. While Latinos account for 32% of the population in Dallas County, a large majority of new HIV cases are among Latino and Hispanic individuals, according to Susana M. Lazarte, MD, infectious diseases specialist at Parkland and Associate Professor of Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Nationally, 32 % of new HIV diagnoses were among Latinos with the demographic only making up 18% of the general U.S. population. & Many of these diagnoses occur at a late stage, often when individuals have already progressed to AIDS. This increases their risk for complications and mortality. & “Increased awareness and education are crucial to HIV prevention,” said Dr. Lazarte. “While testing is important,...