Pitons To Be Classified As Environmental Protection Area

Caribbean and World News

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The Ministry of Physical Development is seeking to officially designate the Piton Management Area, designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004, as an Environmental Protection Area. An Environmental Protection Area is an area consisting of features that require preservation—not only for the present, but for future generations. To that end, the ministry is working toward implementing legislation that will avert unplanned developments in the area, and will undertake a series of public consultations to sensitize the public and increase awareness of the importance of environmental preservation. Chief Physical Planning Officer, Miss Karen Augustin, said to ensure conservation and protection of the PMA, legislation is key. New amendments to the legislation will include additional protection for the PMA, in order to avert illegal or unplanned developments and to preserve it in its natural state as much as possible. This will also include the Sulphur Springs. Currently-designated Environmental Protection Areas in Saint Lucia include Point Sables in Vieux Fort, among others. The Department of Physical Planning is currently collaborating with the Ministry of Sustainable Development to identify additional areas that require Environmental Protection status. SOURCE: Ministry of Physical Development The article Pitons To Be Classified As Environmental Protection Area is from...