Pray profit and prosper

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Dr. Lonna Hardin is a serial entrepreneur and owns her own education and business consultant company. The faith-based business owner said she was in prayer at church when God gave her a vision over a decade ago. “God took me into a room, and He showed me all the world’s wealth, and He said to me, ‘Do you see all of this? None of it compares to My glory. I am Lord of economic kingdoms,” said Hardin. “That’s what kept ringing in my ears. He was literally just showing me that I am not just Lord of monetary systems. I’m Lord of economic systems, which economy could be natural gas, agricultural land and any economy that creates value.” She said she felt a sense of a “holy hush,” and when she came out of the vision it took her years before she acted on it. “He was going to bring these systems down, and reorder the systems, and how it was going to be really important for people that they be ahead in the new season to understand the new economy and how to navigate it,” said Hardin. In 2019, before the pandemic, she felt God was pushing her to...