Precious Remmie: Stop forcing pregnancies on Men who don’t want 

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In a recent statement, media personality Precious Remmie has passionately urged women to reconsider their choices when it comes to starting a family, emphasising the importance of having a supportive partner who is ready to embrace fatherhood. Precious Remmie Remmie’s advice comes from her own experience, as she celebrates her second pregnancy within the context of a loving and committed marriage with her husband, Bindeeba. Remmie’s message is clear: women deserve to experience the joy and fulfillment of pregnancy and motherhood alongside partners who are equally enthusiastic about the journey. Having found herself in the position of being pregnant with a partner who actively desired fatherhood, Remmie emphasises the profound happiness and contentment she currently feels. She describes her pregnancy as a beautiful shared experience, where every moment is cherished and supported by her devoted husband. Precious Remmie Overcomes Struggles, Celebrates Pregnancy After Multiple Failed Attempts Remmie spoke glowingly of being pampered and attended to by her husband, painting a picture of marital bliss where her needs are anticipated and met without hesitation. I want to let women know that it is important to get pregnant for a man who wants the pregnancy and is ready to be a father....