Prenatal Genetic Testing: What Every Expecting Parent Should Know

Parenting/ Health

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Prenatal genetic testing has become an essential tool for expecting parents or those considering pregnancy. It provides valuable information about potential genetic risks, allowing parents to make informed decisions for their families. interviewed Sadie Dobrozsi, a board-certified pediatric oncologist and medical director of genetic testing and oncology imaging at Evolent—a top specialty and primary care management company—to explore what parents and expecting parents should know about prenatal genetic testing. What Is Prenatal Genetic Testing? Prenatal genetic testing refers to a range of tests performed during pregnancy to identify potential genetic abnormalities in a fetus. These tests can detect conditions caused by genetic mutations, such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. Early identification of these risks allows parents to plan and prepare for the potential challenges their child may face. The most common form of prenatal genetic testing is carrier screening, which checks for genetic mutations in either parent that could be passed on to the child. “This test is for any woman currently pregnant or considering pregnancy, as well as for any man who may be involved in the pregnancy. We can perform genetic testing for a range of known genes and diseases that are likely to cause...