Prostate Cancer and Sexual Functioning: What You Need to Know

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 48 Views 0 comments

Did you know that Black men are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer than any other ethnic group? Did you also know that prostate cancer is 100% treatable? In the latest Operation Life: Back 2 Basics, Dr. Mack Roach breaks down and demystifies the prostate and prostate cancer. Specifically, he offers up new, timely solutions that men can employ to lower the discomfort of a biopsy and maintain healthy sexual functioning. He also advises of preventative measures men can take before a diagnosis. Finally, he advises the numbers men should know and what they mean about prostate health. Overall, Dr. Roach didn’t just provide information on prostate cancer. He provided hope. Prostate cancer and Black men had become so serious that you had to whisper it when saying the words out loud out of fear of catching it or speaking it into existence for a loved one. Fear of the known and unknown had men paralyzed into doing the very thing that would seal their fate. Nothing. This program was the first step (of many) to get men to stop whispering about, and start winning the fight against prostate cancer. Check out this video to learn what you...