Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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By Zibora Gilder With the world in constant motion and recent Supreme Court decisions making headlines, it’s essential to remember the greats of the past. Thurgood Marshall’s birthday, coming up on July 2nd, reminds us of his incredible legacy. As the first Black Supreme Court Justice, Marshall played a pivotal role in the Brown vs. Board of Education decision. His dedication to family and community is truly inspiring. Picture young Thurgood, working in his father’s restaurant, earning a $20 tip from a belligerent, racist senator. Th at experience taught him to navigate a system designed to disenfranchise and humiliate minorities, turning adversity into sweet, southern lemonade. Marshall’s rejection from the University of Maryland fueled his drive to become one of the most strategic and diligent lawyers of his time. Th is setback motivated him to win cases that paved the way for the historic Brown vs. Board of Education decision. His tenacity and understanding of which battles to fight and where to fight them showcased his genius and innovative mind. In stark contrast, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas oft en seems to undermine the very paths that allowed him to inherit his position. Michael Waldman on MSNBC described Thomas’s approach...