Reflections on the 2024 U.S. Elections from an African American Worker
News Talk
I don’t think the election of Trump runs straight along the lines of White racism alone. It reflects racism, sexism and self-hate that includes Black, Brown and Women that voted for Trump.
Trump’s being crowned King in the last election reflects a weakness in democratic systems. Fascism is right below the surface when the economy reaches a crisis point. We see corporate giants like Trump or Elon Musk being pulled into politics for state rule which opens the door for fascism. The law of motion of capitalism leads to one giant corporation and authoritarian rule.
The 2024 vote is not easy to explain away. It reflects a defeatist state of mind that invites in a simplistic ideology of a supreme leader that promised to make real a lost dream that is more like an American nightmare.
Historic memory can be erased when subjects of past oppression forget their identity, and the system implements the banning of books that educate us on the importance of diversity. How have we forgotten our identity and voted against our own class? Why did our great Civil Rights Movement not create permanent change away from racial discrimination?
I don’t think the election of...