Rejected!: Michigan Supreme Court Denies Ex-Cop’s Attempt to Get Charges Tossed After Shooting Black Man Execution-Style During Traffic Stop, Murder Trial Will Proceed
Forum Talkby Toter 2 months ago 66 Views 0 comments
The Michigan Supreme Court denied the appeal of a former cop who fatally shot a Black motorist in 2022, making way for his murder trial to move forward.
Former Grand Rapids police officer Christopher Schurr, 31, was fired shortly after he was charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of 26-year-old Patrick Lyoya.
Grand Rapids Officer Christopher Schurr, left, was arraigned on June 10, 2022, for shooting Patrick Lyoya, right, execution-style. (Photo: Calhoun County Jail/Lyoya Family)
The former cop shot Lyoya, a Congolese immigrant, during a traffic stop on April 4, 2022.
Schurr pulled Lyoya over that day because the license plate on his car didn’t match the vehicle. Footage released by police shows Lyoya getting out of the car, prompting Schurr to tell him to get back in and retrieve his driver’s license.
At one point, Lyoya walks away from his car and Schurr demands him to stop before Lyoya takes off running. Schurr briefly chased after him and attempted to restrain him, leading to a physical struggle. Video shows Schurr tackling Lyoya to the ground and making several attempts to detain him on the front lawn of a nearby home.
During the struggle, Schurr tried to deploy...