Report reveals White House Medical Unit’s ‘obscene lack of control’ over controlled medications during Trump administration

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Donald Trump (Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons) & According to a& report& issued by the Department of Defense, drugs were just as prevalent in the White House under former President Donald Trump as they are in a pharmacy. Reportedly, investigators found “an obscene lack of control over the handling of controlled medications” while the twice-impeached and four-times-indicted Trump occupied the Oval Office. The Department of Defense Office Inspector General’s investigation reveals a disturbing lack of oversight over the distribution of controlled medications within the White House Medical Unit (WHMU) during Trump’s presidency. According to the report, while Trump served as president, the distribution of prescription medications, including controlled substances, went to ineligible White House staff. Based on 70 interviews with staffers employed between 2009 and 2018 and prescription records from 2017 to 2019, the investigation sheds light on the issue’s magnitude. & The WHMU, responsible for managing the medical needs of White House personnel, was found to have “severe and systemic problems” under the Trump administration. The report revealed that the unit dispensed non-emergency-controlled medications, such as Ambien and Provigil, without properly verifying the patient’s identity. Additionally, over-the-counter medications were left in open bins for patient retrieval and use, posing potential safety...