SAACS Calls For Meaningful Action Against Public Smoking

Caribbean and World News

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The Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat (SAACS) has urged meaningful action by all against public smoking in a statement marking World No Tobacco Day, observed on May 31. SAACS, a department of the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs, acknowledged that there has been a growing awareness and consciousness about tobacco use over recent years. However, the secretariat noted that non-smokers are at risk from exposure to environments where tobacco use is habitual. The complete SAACS statement appears below: Our habits determine the state health of our people, our communities and our planet. The use of tobacco remains the single most avoidable health risk behaviour worldwide. Tobacco use has absolutely no health benefits. Rather half of all people who use tobacco die from some related health impact. Sadly, tobacco health risks do not only affect the user. Non-smokers are also at risk by simply being exposed to environments where tobacco use is habitual. Given all these facts the question becomes how do we address this situation to protect health of all. In Saint Lucia, there has been consistent efforts to foster the needed supportive environment that can help in reducing the harmful effects of use of and exposure to...