Sacramento City Unified School District raises concerns about St. HOPE Public Schools

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. – St. HOPE Public Schools, a prominent presence in the Oak Park community, is facing scrutiny from the Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD). A report released by the district raises concerns about teacher credentials, conflicts of interest, and financial management within St. HOPE Public Schools, which operates two charter schools under SCUSD. St. HOPE, which includes Sacramento Charter High School and St. HOPE PS7, has been operating under a charter with SCUSD since its inception. However, according to SCUSD Superintendent Lisa Allen, a report conducted by a third-party auditor has raised concerns about the operation of the schools. During a recent interview with ABC10, St. HOPE Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Ruda addressed the issues raised in the report. She assured parents and students that the current charter is in place for the current school year and there will be no changes. Ruda also emphasized that the charter extends through June of next year. Screenshot from St. Hope Public Schools Website One of the main concerns raised in the report is the low number of teachers with an “effective credential.” Ruda and St. HOPE Public Schools Board Chair Cassandra Jennings respond to this issue by highlighting the progress...