Saint Lucia Steps Up Mosquito Control Amid Dengue Concerns

Caribbean and World News

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Amid concerns over dengue fever, forty cases of which Saint Lucia has recorded this year, the Ministry of Health’s Environmental Division has stepped up its mosquito control measures. Environmental Health Officer Glenda Etienne-Cepal disclosed that the measures include house-to-house inspections to identify and eliminate breeding grounds in various communities. In addition, Etienne-Cepal announced the identification and treatment of abandoned or open water sources, ongoing vector education with targeted groups, and providing information about vector breeding habitats and behaviors and tips for controlling vectors in and around the home. Assessing and fogging learning institutions before the reopening of schools, extensive assessments and targeted fogging operations have also occurred to eliminate mosquito breeding sites and reduce the mosquito population. “These measures are designed to create a safer environment for students and staff as they return to the educational institutions,” the Environmental Health Officer stated. Another initiative involves removing community items with the potential to hold water and harbour mosquitoes and rats. While these public health measures are crucial, Etienne-Cepal cautioned that the fight against mosquitos and dengue fever requires collective effort. “We urge your community to take personal responsibility in controlling mosquito breeding sites around the immediate environment,” she said. “Your efforts...