Savage in Bend: What’s up with the art & graffiti in Bend?
MusicEntertainment / Music 5 months ago 18 Views 0 comments
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It’s summer! Hopefully, everyone is enjoying Central Oregon’s natural beauty and the diversity of our local culture through art, music and other creative pursuits.
This month’s question deals with the illegal activity of tagging, but I thought it would be fun to give it a cultural spin.
Sean R. asks, “How does the city deal with graffiti?”
We won’t use the space here to debate street art verses graffiti, but let’s talk legal art first.
For a city our size, Bend boasts a thriving art scene. A huge thank you to all of the artists who unleash their creative energies around town AND to those who commission the artwork!
Art in Public Places is responsible for the art in local roundabouts. Started in the ’70s by a small group of women, the nonprofit entity uses private donations to fund those dynamic pieces we see while carefully merging into the roundabouts and using our blinkers to exit. The installations are gifts to the city and NO tax dollars are used.
Other entities such as Visit Bend are responsible for the Tin Pan Alley art downtown and in the Old Mill District. These are funded...