Sekou Odinga, Black liberation fighter, passes at 79

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Sekou Odinga – Photo courtesy of the Jericho Movement by Natalia Marques Sekou Odinga, a former United States political prisoner for 33 years stemming from his involvement in the Black liberation movement, passed away on Jan. 12. Odinga was a part of several of the most impactful organizations in US Black liberation history, including Malcolm X’s Organization of Afro-American Unity, the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army. Odinga is also known for his role in the escape of fellow political prisoner Assata Shakur, who lives free in Cuba to this day.& Odinga was released from prison in 2014. Regarding his role in Shakur’s escape, he never pleaded guilty to charges, but told Democracy Now! in 2016 that he was “proud to be associated with the liberation of Assata Shakur.”& Speaking about what drew him to the program of the Black Panther Party, Odinga told Democracy Now!, “What attracted me more than anything else was the stand against police brutality, because like all the other ghettos in this country or Black areas of this country, police brutality was running rampant. From my first memory of it was – in New York – was little Clifford Glover, who was murdered...