Selective prosecution of Marilyn Mosby

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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By E. FAYE WILLIAMS National Congress of Black Women ( – Black people have always known about selective prosecution, but lately, it has been more blatant than any we’ve seen in recent years. Many people think things have gotten better, but in many areas, nothing could be longer from the truth. “Selective prosecution in jurisprudence is a procedural defense in which those convicted argue that they should not be held criminally liable for breaking the law, as the criminal justice system discriminated against them by choosing to prosecute.” This is certainly true in the case of Marilyn Mosby. She did as more than 700 people in Baltimore alone did while she served as State’s Attorney. She borrowed funds during COVID from her own retirement fund! Her ‘sin’ was convicting police for unprincipled acts while on duty. If you’re Black, you know it happens because it has, more likely than not, happened to you or someone you know. I would, however, argue that my brother who was a parish sheriff, my nephew who is a current state trooper nor any of my relatives in law enforcement would ever be in that category as most people in law enforcement. Unfortunately, Mosby, a...